Joe LaBarbera






(805) 773-0860





1) What do you love the most about what you do?

I love help­ing peo­ple cel­e­brate their lives. I lost my mom way before her time and when I look back, what stands out are the family hol­i­days, wed­dings and par­ties. Those mem­o­ries are so vivid. We have a chance to cel­e­brate each bride and groom. A well exe­cuted and “hap­pen­ing” cel­e­bra­tion is a cel­e­bra­tion for every­one involved in the event. I still get ner­vous about a wed­ding — the day I don’t I should stop.

2) Briefly describe your philosophy or approach to each wedding.

Simple. Be the guy I would want at my wed­ding. Do a great job and keep it sim­ple and smooth.

3) What inspires you?

I am really inspired by great musi­cians, espe­cially in con­cert. See­ing how they work the crowd and inter­act with the audi­ence . I am inspired by great per­form­ers, watch­ing a per­former work a crowd, wind up the audi­ence and take them on a jour­ney dur­ing a show. My par­tic­i­pa­tion in a wed­ding has that poten­tial. To facil­i­tate a bride’s wishes by max­i­miz­ing an impor­tant moment and let­ting the impor­tance stand out. This can be done with sound, a silent pause and a seam­less tran­si­tion between events and highlights.

4) What do you love about working at The Grace Maralyn Estate?

The Grace Maralyn Estate has the warmth of a family home but is set up as a professional venue lending itself to well executed weddings and celebrations. I love working here. Brides and Grooms that choose this venue usually want to share this closeness with their guests and I have DJ’d some great parties here.

5) Anything else you’d like potential clients to know about you?

I come from a large close Italian family. We love to party, have close gatherings and celebrate! I am a surfer, a skier, a traveler. I love meeting new people, cultures and all kinds of music. I am passionate about people’s weddings and I love what I do. That’s why my motto is “Helping YOU celebrate life!”

Why we love Joe LaBarbera:

Joe DJ’d one of our best friend’s weddings at The Grace Maralyn and one of the things that stood out to us what how little we noticed him. That may sound a little odd, but we think it’s a really huge compliment. The day was free of any technical difficulties, excellent music was played and the tempo was kept at a perfect pace. We’re not really sure what more you could ask for from a DJ, so give Joe a call!